Sunday, November 19, 2006

LastDayofTheWeek Function

Returns a Variant (Date) containing the date of the last day of the week either before or after the EvalDate.


LastDayOfWeek(EvalDate,LastDay, ReturnType)

EvalDate is the date to evaluated.

LastDay is a number between 1 and 7 representing the last day for the week If omitted the value is set to 1 (Sunday)

1 = Sunday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Sunday

ReturnType is either 0 or 1. If omitted 0 is assumed. 0 returns the date of the last day of the week after the EvalDate, 1 returns the date of the last day of the week prior to the EvalDate.

Option Explicit

Public Function LastDayOfWeek(EvalDate As Date, Optional LastDay As Integer, Optional ReturnType As Integer) As Date
' Determines the date of the last day of the week based on the user's input
' EvalDate is the date to be evaluated
' LastDay is the weekday number of the last day of the week starting with
' 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc...
' ReturnType is either 0 (zero) or 1. Zero returns date of the last day of the week after the EvalDate
' 1 returns the date of the last day of the week prior to the EvalDate. If omitted zero is assumed.

Dim intEvalWeekday As Integer ' The weekday of the date to be evaluated
Dim intDifference As Integer

intEvalWeekday = Weekday(EvalDate, vbSunday)

' If the LastDay agument was omitted the value is set as 1 (Sunday).
' If the user enters a number that is not between 1 and 7 an error message
' is displayed.
If LastDay = 0 Then
LastDay = 1
ElseIf LastDay > 7 Or LastDay <>
MsgBox "Enter a number between 1 and 7 representing the day that is the last day of the week." _
& vbCr & vbCr & _
"1 = Sunday" & vbCr & "2 = Monday" & vbCr & "3 = Tuesday" & vbCr & _
"4 = Wednesday" & vbCr & "5 = Thursday" & vbCr &amp; "6 = Friday" & vbCr & _
"7 = Saturday", vbCritical
LastDayOfWeek = "Error" ' This forces an error. Otherwise the formula will display "01/01/00"
Exit Function
End If

intDifference = LastDay - intEvalWeekday

' Determine output value of the function
If ReturnType = 0 Then ' Return the date for the last day of the week that follows
the EvalDate
Select Case intDifference
Case 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate
Case Is > 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate + (LastDay - intEvalWeekday)
Case Is <>
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate + (7 + LastDay - intEvalWeekday)
End Select
ElseIf ReturnType = 1 Then ' Return the date for the last day of the week that precedes
the EvalDate
Select Case intDifference
Case 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate
Case Is > 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate - ((7 + intEvalWeekday) - LastDay)
Case Is <>
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate + (LastDay - intEvalWeekday)
End Select
End If
End Function

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