You are able to create your own commands and there are several that simply point to individual websites. Here are the most interesting commands I found during my first look, but there are many more (and many duplicates). The parameters are in square brackets.
- g [search string] - Performs a Google search
- gi [search string] - Performs a Google Image search
- gm [search string] - Performs a Google Maps search
- wp [search string] - Performs a Wikipedia search
- bl - Launches Bloglines
- gma - Launches Gmail
- am [search string] - Perfoms an Amazon search
- y [search string] - Performs a Yahoo search
- d [search string] - Performs a search
- gym [search string] - Performs a Google, Yahoo, and MSN search simultaneously and shows the results in separate frames.
Categories: Internet
Yay for yubnub!
Replacing favorites is not the real power of yubnub.
It is an indispensable tool for mobile devices.
That's a pretty interesting site. One similar site that I've found interesting is, which takes a different approach to the same problem by using icons and navigational choices within the search site rather than command line options. I suppose it comes down to how good one is at remembering the commands.
I think the itermediate and advanced users will be able to remember the basic commands. I have not done anything exciting with it though other than use it as a shortcut in searches. As Shantanu points out it must be a great help to mobile users (I am not one). I will try to look at WhoNu tonight as see what it is all about.
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