Thursday, January 05, 2006


I spent most of the day today learning how to customize the Blogger template. Blogger does not have any automated support to manage/update/listing links in the sidebar.

Initailly I used a piece of code genreated by Bloglines that created a list of the blogs I am subscribed to. There were two problems. I was not able to format the resulting links to look like the others on the page and there are a lot of blogs I monitor that are not often updated. I did not like the long list cluttering up the sidebar. I removed the list of links and placed one called "Blogs I Read" so only the interested will see the list and I will be automatically updated as I add and delete blogs fromt he list.

If I want to add other "permenent" links I can code them by hand.

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1 comment:

Sean Dustman said...

Check out for templates, it's free anyway, welcome to the blogsphere