Sunday, November 19, 2006

LastDayofTheWeek Function

Returns a Variant (Date) containing the date of the last day of the week either before or after the EvalDate.


LastDayOfWeek(EvalDate,LastDay, ReturnType)

EvalDate is the date to evaluated.

LastDay is a number between 1 and 7 representing the last day for the week If omitted the value is set to 1 (Sunday)

1 = Sunday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Sunday

ReturnType is either 0 or 1. If omitted 0 is assumed. 0 returns the date of the last day of the week after the EvalDate, 1 returns the date of the last day of the week prior to the EvalDate.

Option Explicit

Public Function LastDayOfWeek(EvalDate As Date, Optional LastDay As Integer, Optional ReturnType As Integer) As Date
' Determines the date of the last day of the week based on the user's input
' EvalDate is the date to be evaluated
' LastDay is the weekday number of the last day of the week starting with
' 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc...
' ReturnType is either 0 (zero) or 1. Zero returns date of the last day of the week after the EvalDate
' 1 returns the date of the last day of the week prior to the EvalDate. If omitted zero is assumed.

Dim intEvalWeekday As Integer ' The weekday of the date to be evaluated
Dim intDifference As Integer

intEvalWeekday = Weekday(EvalDate, vbSunday)

' If the LastDay agument was omitted the value is set as 1 (Sunday).
' If the user enters a number that is not between 1 and 7 an error message
' is displayed.
If LastDay = 0 Then
LastDay = 1
ElseIf LastDay > 7 Or LastDay <>
MsgBox "Enter a number between 1 and 7 representing the day that is the last day of the week." _
& vbCr & vbCr & _
"1 = Sunday" & vbCr & "2 = Monday" & vbCr & "3 = Tuesday" & vbCr & _
"4 = Wednesday" & vbCr & "5 = Thursday" & vbCr &amp; "6 = Friday" & vbCr & _
"7 = Saturday", vbCritical
LastDayOfWeek = "Error" ' This forces an error. Otherwise the formula will display "01/01/00"
Exit Function
End If

intDifference = LastDay - intEvalWeekday

' Determine output value of the function
If ReturnType = 0 Then ' Return the date for the last day of the week that follows
the EvalDate
Select Case intDifference
Case 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate
Case Is > 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate + (LastDay - intEvalWeekday)
Case Is <>
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate + (7 + LastDay - intEvalWeekday)
End Select
ElseIf ReturnType = 1 Then ' Return the date for the last day of the week that precedes
the EvalDate
Select Case intDifference
Case 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate
Case Is > 0
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate - ((7 + intEvalWeekday) - LastDay)
Case Is <>
LastDayOfWeek = EvalDate + (LastDay - intEvalWeekday)
End Select
End If
End Function

Shading Unlocked Cells

The below subs shade and unshade the unlocked cells in the active sheet. The third sub clears all the unlocked cells. When I create an application I protect the sheet and shade the cells that the users can input data into.

This is also an easy way to check what cells are unlocked.

Sub UnShade()
' Set the ColorIndex for all the unlocked cells on the
' ActiveSheet to 0.

Set rngLast = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
llastColumn = rngLast.Column
lLastRow = rngLast.Row
Set rngUsed = Range("A1", rngLast)
r = 1
c = 1
Do Until r = lLastRow + 1
Do Until c = llastColumn + 1
If Cells(r, c).Locked = False Then
Cells(r, c).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
c = c + 1
c = 1
r = r + 1
End Sub

Sub Shade()
' Set the ColorIndex for all the unlocked cells on the
' ActiveSheet to 4.

Set rngLast = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
llastColumn = rngLast.Column
lLastRow = rngLast.Row
Set rngUsed = Range("A1", rngLast)
r = 1
c = 1
Do Until r = lLastRow + 1
Do Until c = llastColumn + 1
If Cells(r, c).Locked = False Then
Cells(r, c).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End If
c = c + 1
c = 1
r = r + 1
End Sub

Sub ClearUnlockedCells()
' Clear contents of all unlocked cells in the active
' sheet.

Set rngLast = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
llastColumn = rngLast.Column
lLastRow = rngLast.Row
Set rngUsed = Range("A1", rngLast)
r = 1
c = 1
Do Until r = lLastRow + 1
Do Until c = llastColumn + 1
If Cells(r, c).Locked = False Then
Cells(r, c).ClearContents
End If
c = c + 1
c = 1
r = r + 1
End Sub

Update All Pivot Tables in the Active Workbook

This sub updates all the pivot tables in the active workbook.

Sub UpdatePivotTables()
' Updates all the pivot tables in the ActiveWorkbook.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Create Page Breaks in Excel

Often you might have a large table of data that needs to be grouped and printed on separate pages based on the value in a column. This procedure asks for the column containing the group by value, clears any previous page breaks, resets the page breaks and goes to print preview mode.

Sub PageBreaks()
' Place page breaks on a worksheet based on the value in
' the column specified by the user. Sets the first row
' as headers to repeat on each page and activates the
' print preview mode.

Dim strColumn As String ' Column containing the break value
Dim lRows As Long ' Rows in the used range
Dim lTitleRow As Long ' Row containing the column headers
Dim vaValue1 As Variant ' 1st value to compare
Dim vaValue2 As Variant ' 2nd value to compare
Dim l As Long ' loop counter

lRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

strColumn = InputBox("Enter the column containing the page break information.")
' Exit the sub if the user presses cancel.
If strColumn = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

lTitleRow = 1

For l = 2 To lRows
Cells(l + 1, strColumn).Activate
vaValue1 = Cells(l, strColumn).Value
vaValue2 = Cells(l + 1, strColumn).Value
If vaValue2 <> vaValue1 Then
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=ActiveCell
End If
Next l

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"


End Sub

Sunday, February 12, 2006


YubNub is a web application that creates a "command line" for the internet. If you type a search query that does not start with a YubNub keyword you will perform a standard Google seach. On one level it is a kind of favorites menu (type "gma" and you will be taken to Gmail) and on the other it is a shortcut menu (type "gm" + an address and you will taken to the Google Maps results page for that address).

You are able to create your own commands and there are several that simply point to individual websites. Here are the most interesting commands I found during my first look, but there are many more (and many duplicates). The parameters are in square brackets.

  • g [search string] - Performs a Google search
  • gi [search string] - Performs a Google Image search
  • gm [search string] - Performs a Google Maps search
  • wp [search string] - Performs a Wikipedia search
  • bl - Launches Bloglines
  • gma - Launches Gmail
  • am [search string] - Perfoms an Amazon search
  • y [search string] - Performs a Yahoo search
  • d [search string] - Performs a search
  • gym [search string] - Performs a Google, Yahoo, and MSN search simultaneously and shows the results in separate frames.
The real power here is that you can navigate to the most common sites without messing around with favorites especially if you are on a computer other than your own.


Organizing Items In Outlook

Outlook has several ways to organize your items (emails, contacts, tasks, appointments, etc.).
  1. Create folders to "file" the items. (Like you would physical files)
  2. Associate items with contacts.
  3. Associate items with categories.
Using Folders

This is the old way of doing things. In all likelihood you will file items and not be able to find them again. (just like in the traditional filing cabinets) I have only added one folder to the standard folders already in Outlook called "Tagged Mail". I will expalin why later.

Using Contacts

When you send or receive and email or respond to a meeting request that contains someone who is in your address book (contacts) that item is automatically associated with them. When you open a contact and select the Activity tab you will see all the items associated with that contact. If you create an appointment without using the meeting request you can associate the contact with the item on the bottom right of the screen used to create the appointment. If you want to associate a contact with an email message you can do so by right-clicking on the message and selecting options.

Using Categories

Outlook comes with a bunch of categories already set up. Unfortunately, the standard mail form does not give you the option to select categories while you are creating the message. You either have to do this in the options dialog box prior to sending or do it later. Other items like appointments and contacts allow you to categorize them while you are creating them. The key to utilizing categories is to use as many categories as needed to describe the item. Don't worry about using too many, just think of the things about the item that you will think of in the future to find it. There is no need to open the categories dialog box either. Just type the categories separated by a comma. If it is on the list it will be selected, if it is not it will be added.

How to Use Categories to Find Anything

The Tagged Mail folder I mentioned earlier is used to store all mail after it has been tagged (categorized). When an email comes in that I need to respond to I tag it before responding so that my response is pre-tagged. At the end of the day I go through my Sent Items and Inbox folders and tag all the emails. Mutiple emails can be tagged at the same time by selecting them and choosing categories from the right-click menu. All tagged messages are then put in the Tagged Mail folder.

The Tagged Mail folder is arranged by the categories so when you want to look for something scroll down to one of the appropriate categories and you will find it.

It's as simple as that. I created a custom message form that allows you to categorize messages as you create or read them, but changing the default mail message form is tricky. Once I figure that out though is will save a lot of clicking.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Originally uploaded by dmartin35.
There are hundreds of waterfalls in the Portland area. During the winter it rains all the time and every vertical surface becomes a waterfall. This is a picture I took about a year ago.


flickr Pictures

I signed up for flickr so it will be easier to post pictures. This is one of John by the Liberty Bell during our trip to Philadelphia in December 2005.

Categories: ,

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Debbie's Idea

This link from the Freakonomics blog is a site similar to JunkLog, but is hoping to become a reliable reference for people looking for something to read. The key diffenece is that JunkLog is item-based and Debbie's Idea is author-based.
Long before the Internet was commonly available, Debbie had the idea that it would be useful to have a reference work suggesting which book of an unfamiliar author would be best to read first. Start reading an author with a poor or atypical example of his work, she observed, and you would likely never read that writer again—perhaps losing in the process a world of pleasure and knowledge. On the other hand, since there would seldom be one right book to read first, the resource would have to be a compendium of opinions.

Visit Debbie's Idea.

Categories: ,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Layout For This Site

I have been working on the layout for this site and using it as a way to learn more about HTML and CSS. The CSS stylesheet for this site now resides on my Geocities website. The links to the Excel Tips and Sheet Music point you to the Geocities site.

I am happy with the site enough to put it out there, but will continue to tweak it. I am interested in comments on the design.

Categories: ,

Always Check Your Work

I was updating my profile information on JunkLog and accidentally mistyped my address as dailydistraction instead of dailydistractions. Fortunately I checked the link to make sure it worked and found that by leaving the "s" off I was directed to a blog by some guy fantisizing, in some detail, about a girl he works with.

So if for some reason you found your way to that site...sorry. If you link to this site make sure the address is correct. Just remember I am distracted by many things in one day, not just one.

Finally, always check your work. The simpliest mistakes a potentially very embarassing.

Categories: ,


I registered with Technorati which is a blog search engine. Maybe this will point some people towards this blog. I need to go now and think of some interesting things to write about.

Categories: ,

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Brad from bradsucks set up a site called JunkLog to keep track of his books, CDs, and DVDs. He has now made it available to everyone. Items are added by seaching the Amazon database. (So if it's not on Amazon you can't add it.) You are then able to add comments, tags, and a rating. There is also a place to indicate that the item is finished (books) and the date finished.

You can see if anyone else has listed an item and look to see what is on their list. Hopefully, you will find some other interesting things you may have never found on your own.

It is modeled after which is designed to help you organize favorites (bookmarks). You can see the items I have listed by visiting my page. I am also going to put a link on the sidebar to my page.

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